Whenever you’re forming a new business venture around an investment opportunity it’s important to protect you and all parties involved as much as possible. Typically that means choosing to form a limited liability company (LLC). The biggest advantage that comes with using an LLC is that all members of the company aren’t personally liable for any of the company’s debts or liabilities. Whether you’re in a partnership, corporation or a sole proprietorship this is beneficial because any debts incurred by your LLC can’t be paid back with personal assets such as your home, car or savings accounts. For investors looking for an overseeing property manager or acquisition opportunities then see why so many LLCs of all experience levels choose the experts at Landwin.
Landwin’s Helping Hand
At Landwin we have decades of experience finding quality commercial real estate investment opportunities that are perfect for all types of LLCs. We offer complete services that include:
- Safety of principal
- Limited liability protection
- Tax-sheltered monthly income
- Tax-deferred profits
- Quality replacement investments
More About Landwin
For almost four decades we’ve perfected our methods for finding the best commercial property investment opportunities available. Whether you’re new to investing or are simply looking for a safe way to continue expanding your portfolio please call Landwin today. Our LLC services are ideal for helping investors maximize real estate investments without leaving you to deal with day-to-day operations and hassles on your own.